The Roots – undun

Some bands are simply legendary and therefore need little, if any, introduction or explanation. You know the deal, and this isn’t me being lazy at all. But why continue tapping away at these keys when all you have to do is click and let the music speak more elegantly than I ever could. Listen to the entire undun album at NPR’s First Listen here. Peace.

Hello Listener – Coordinates

I consider myself thoroughly splashed and dripping with the kaleidoscopic colors of Hello Listener. Their underworld rainbow torch song “Coordinates” has got me fucked up, but in a good way. Yeah, my descriptors can get pretty trippy but in this case I’m 100% justified, but also totally into the sounds of Hello Listener. Want more? The trip down the rabbit hole doesn’t have to end here, check out Hello Listener’s Facebook fan page for another dose. Peace.

Moe’s Implosion – Light Pollution

From Portugal five-piece rock band Moe’s Implosion, released their debut album this week, Light Pollution and it’s a whole lot of joyful albeit raucous noise. After gaining a bit of name recognition and street cred in Spain, Portugal and other parts of Europe the boys from the land of gentle ways are set to take over your ear space muito rápido! They have a good chance of succeeding to with the dynamic and utterly bedazzling music they create. Check out their album below. Peace.