metronomy // i’m aqaurius + video

Metronomy drops the official music video for his latest track I’m Aquarius, directed by Edouard Salier. The song is off the new album Love Letters via . The video is totally Stanley Kubrick-ish (2001: A Space Odyssey anyone?) with equal parts wtf and quirky. The video involves lead vocalist Joseph Mount engaged in interstellar travels to a distant orb were Sphynx cats and iffy inhabitants are constant themes and it ends in a burst of space dust or kitty litter, you decide. Love the track though. Peace. Continue reading “metronomy // i’m aqaurius + video”

Soko // First Love Never Die

Yep, it’s official my ears are in a love/lust mode for the Los Angeles artiste Soko (Stéphanie Sokolinski) and her heart in a blender song “First Love Never Die” and if you don’t feel like taking this song to bed then you’re an eunuch or something equally androgynous or sexually inert. I’ll get my head out of the gutter as soon as you stop trying to steal my song. Yes, it’s one of those days. And if you long to have this one all to your self cop it on iTunes. Peace. Continue reading “Soko // First Love Never Die”

new artist: selah sue


selah sue

At times an artist’s true beauty isn’t fully experiences within the album format. And obviously that is one of the reasons why attending concerts, and witnessing live performances can be so amazing; at times even magical. Take Selah Sue for instance. I’ve listened to her album and its a good LP, but in many instances it sounds too strained and controlled. She doesn’t sound free to fly. Not so with her live work, which allows her true self to shine bright, and let’s listeners know that this unlikely songstress is very capable of making a believer out of any naysayer. I’ve posted two excellent examples so you can witness for yourself this young woman’s raw beauty and passion for the songs she embodies and brings to life. First up is “Summertime” which is taken from her self-titled LP Selah Sue. The second selection is a cover of Erykah Badu’s song “Appletree”. Both of these are stand out performances and I hope you enjoy them too. Peace.

Selah Sue LIVE: Summertime, Bring Me Joy from Raj Scheijen on Vimeo.