hrvrd // black creame + acoustic version = our sunday best

The Charlotte, NC band of five formally known as Harvard have recently became the acronym HRVRD. This is a non-issue for die hard fans. Because the music is still unchanged and incredible, even though the vowels have been excised, not the talent.

Anyway, I recently stumbled upon a SXSW 2013 acoustic version of their beautiful track, “Black Creme,” and now I’m really smitten. This song simultaneously somehow stirs and calms my soul all at once. My only wish is that this fun-size ballad was longer, so I could wrap up in it like a dream.

The band’s new album From The Bird’s Cage is out now and you can get it at Amazon. Also, check out the lyrics after the jump. Enjoy!

Review by Teddi Stavee Continue reading “hrvrd // black creame + acoustic version = our sunday best”