the lighthouse and the whaler // burst apart

The music made by The Lighthouse And The Whaler makes you care about it, even if you didn’t want to. This Cleveland, Ohio band is a 5-piece ensemble, and every single song I’ve heard thus far sounds like something unexplored, yet familiar. These songs sound like baking bread, or the muted colors burnt and radiant spilling forth from a spectacular sunset. These guys make music like a sighing lover exhaling your name, and all the while trailing warm breath across your breastbone. Yes, this is sweetness and light territory for sure. I listened to their songs, “White Days”, “Window”, and “Of The Heavens And The Earth” and I found myself not wanting to leave them alone. I got lost within these melodies. I was comfortable and I didn’t want to venture anywhere else. Their latest single, “Burst Apart” moves across your earlobe like a minnow, it tickles and it is innocent of the knowledge of darker things to come. TLATW‘s forthcoming Pioneers EP is scheduled for a March 13th release and you can pre-order it at And surely you didn’t think the only good things in Cleveland was the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Hot Dog Diner & Burger Co? Shame on you. Peace. Continue reading “the lighthouse and the whaler // burst apart”