trixie whitley // breathe you in my dreams + video

Trixie Whitley has a place in my musical heart, and it’s little surprise. For once you’ve listened to her whiskey-soaked vocals it is easy (and futile) to understand the attraction. Last year I was smitten with a hauntingly beautiful track, Thousand Thieves, and it stills does something to me whenever I hear it.

And so it is more than evident Ms. Whitley knows a good thing once she finds it. Once again she employs, and trusts, director Matthu Placek to bring his cinematic vitality to bear testament to her vocal artistry, intensity and passion. The “Breathe You In My Dreams,” video is nothing short of spectacular. The song comes from her first full album, Fourth Corner, earlier this year. You can get the Trixie Whitley experience on iTunes and at Peace. Continue reading “trixie whitley // breathe you in my dreams + video”