digits // death and desire

Are you in need of a little something chill to listen to after the sun goes down? Toronto transplant, and current Berlin resident, Digits (Alt Altman) creates a smoky and tender blend of Electro/R&B music that’ll melt your heart. Listen to the track, “So Cold” and you’ll soon understand why I am so enamored. This song is only one of twelve on the highly seductive, and acclaimed Death And Desire release. If ever you needed a body of music to set “the mood” this is it. You can get it as a FREE DOWNLOAD, as well as Digits latest release Lost Dream at digitsmusic.com. How’s that for instant gratification? And although you don’t have to, throw him a few dollars, consider it a down payment for the future services of the perfect musical wing man. Peace. Continue reading “digits // death and desire”