simian ghost // autumn slowmo (for the dejected realist) ep

If you could distill all of varying degrees of heartache and the ambiguity of doubt mixed with desire it may sound something like this.

Simian Ghost has earned a storied place in hearts and minds everywhere with their brand of heartfelt odes. SG’s songs leaves tear stains upon pillows and pepper hope within clasped hands poised in prayer. And if you desire deliverance from the ills of existence or a potent balm of distraction from mundane worries, then the band’s latest, ‘Autumn Slowmo For The Dejected Realist’ fits the bill and then some. After listening to the new 3-song EP there is little wonder why this band has gained such a faithful and adoring following. By the way, the Autumn Slowmo EP is available for free downland until January 1, 2013. Peace. Continue reading “simian ghost // autumn slowmo (for the dejected realist) ep”