Ane Brun – Do You Remember (Live) ft. First Aid Kit

It’s always nice to find something random and wonderful. I was perusing some of my usual haunts and came upon this gem. Now, for those familiar with my blog I adore First Aid Kit to pieces, but Ane Brun I’d never heard of before just now. At any rate I will be looking for more of what this woman has to offer, musically that is. I love live music, especially when it done full to bursting with visceral energy enough to power the sun, moon and stars. This posting should come with the label, ‘Steal this song”, because upon listening you immediately want to share it with almost everyone you know. The song “Do You Remember” is something special and I don’t mean ‘short bus’ special either. Check it out. Peace.

Ane Brun – Do You Remember (live at Cirkus Stockholm) from valerie toumayan on Vimeo.
