robin pecknold // ollivia, in a separate bed (demo)

When Robin Pecknold grabs his guitar, more than likely good and beautiful things are going to manifest themselves into reality. This man, who is the voice, and veritable life-force behind the incredible Folk-Rock band Fleet Foxes, can take ordinary human feelings and gain access to a place both raw and vulnerable. And he does it with a deftness and acuity that is comforting, unsettling and gorgeous beyond measure, and I love it. I admire how this man punches holes in the air of heartbreak just to breathe. And in doing so, he shows us how to breathe too. Through listening we gain the ability to resuscitate our own singular selves as well. The song, “Olivia, In A Separate Bed” is of course something personal, and I’m sure it’s stocked to the hilt with secret message enough to keep a cryptologist occupied for a lifetime. But to the ardent listener its tone and timbre are irresponsibly fragile, and we brush up against the blood bruises of sadness loud and feel them loud and clear. In the end, we know there is a path out of heartache, and there too is strength to be gained from experiencing much pain. Peace. Continue reading “robin pecknold // ollivia, in a separate bed (demo)”

fleet foxes // the shrine/an argument + video

Imagine the loneliness of this song, how it has traveled eons and ages, so far just to be here and now. My hat off to the guys from Seattle for creating such soulful and vision inducing fare. If you’ve listened to Fleet Foxes before then you know it changes you, or like a peyote trip it conjures up visages of inner-deep stirrings (at least for me) which transport you hither and yon. Then we’re treated to such a visual as the video for “The Shrine/An Argument” and we hang our collective mouths stupefied and drooling. I’ve watched this many times already, and I’ll surely watch it again and again. Dream me, I’m pinched. Peace. Continue reading “fleet foxes // the shrine/an argument + video”