according to ancient alien theorists | that’s no moon

that's no moon  |  according to ancient alien theorists
that’s no moon | according to ancient alien theorists


that’s no moon | according to ancient alien theorists

what, or rather who, it is is That’s No Moon. no, it’s not the four horsemen of the apocalypse, not even close. unless it all ends with a frenzy of utterly euphoric rock infused and electro tempered-pop noise, and in that case the champaign, illinois quartet that’s no moon fit the bill. via the label blue box records comes the band’s debut full-length and self-titled release that’s no moon  (← stream the entire album, just click the link). the album drops september 24th. however, you can also catch these pleasant, albeit vociferous noise makers at this years pygmalion music festival playing on the sleigh bells bill. peace. Continue reading “according to ancient alien theorists | that’s no moon”