james vincent mcmorrow | cavelier | kiings remix | lyrics

The music crafted by the beloved James Vincent McMorrow is beautiful as is, yet along comes the very capable producer Kiings and he makes JVM’s track “Cavalier,” simply transcendent.

Rarely does it get any better than this, no? Kiings ferrets and teases out a sultry orchestration resplendent with sinful sounds which instantly elevate the already gospel-tinged and spirit-esque vitality of James’s pristine vocals and lays it atop such unadulterated brashness. Each beat is a masseuse’s deft fingers working it all out until your ears hang their heavy head wrung out but alas sated. Staccato beats provide steam engine propulsion, taut synth work urge a listener towards the 7th deadly sin and your ears relish within it endlessly.

I am definitely looking forward to more of the Kiings experience, this guy he is going places and all of them
point heavenward. Peace.

P.S. Many thanks to my beautiful muse Teddi Stavee, you can whisper sweet nothing in my ear any time. Continue reading “james vincent mcmorrow | cavelier | kiings remix | lyrics”