deleted scenes // young people’s church of the air (our sunday best)

There are bands out here in the world which serve as more therapy than mere entertainment. And although D.C.’s Deleted Scenes can serve as both it is the former that is perhaps most useful. When I listen to the music on their sophomore release Young People’s Church of the Air I immediately think of three bands, Radiohead, Vampire Weekend and OK Go. Hopefully this isn’t a rush to judgement, but I hear lyrical phrasing and musical styles reminiscent of the aforementioned trio. But musical comparisons aside I hear originality too. In the way Daniel Scheuerman gets inside a song (and your head) and paints the walls with darkly ghostly sound that manages to ring of hopefulness, and much fragility as well. The album opens with the spacey panoramic tome “A Litany for Mrs. T” and it envelops the listener in an almost gospel wave of euphoria. But there are so many great tracks, Bedbedbedbedbed, the tropical “Nassau” or my favorite, “English As A Second Language”. All these songs, make this Our Sunday Best pick. Peace. Continue reading “deleted scenes // young people’s church of the air (our sunday best)”