Raleigh Moncrief – I Just Saw

The album Watered Lawns opens with, “The Air” and within minutes you know you’re in a good place. The Music of Raleigh Moncrief is populated with cotton candy raindrops and beautiful music on the breeze, much like a music box high on its own supply. The song “I Just Saw,” possesses a lushness which pairs well, or at least equals what one feels when looking at Peter Paul Rubens’ The Hermit and the Sleeping Angelica, that, or being stupefied by the latest Victoria Secret’s ad, you pick.

Raleigh Moncrief has until recently been one of those shadowy figures chillin’ in the background, but now he offers something wholly original and enchanting. RM’s acumen as an engineer isn’t to be dismissed, his work on the Dirty Projectors’ Bitte Orca, is well-noted. But now, Mr. Moncrief is stepping out of the shadows and into the light of day, and the results are seductively dope. Peace. Continue reading “Raleigh Moncrief – I Just Saw”