david lynch // i’m waiting here + ft. lykke li + video

If an individual is judged not only by his accomplishments but by their creativity and influence then David Lynch gets a solid and uncontested 10 out of 10. It seems like Mr. Lynch has an innate ability to keep things perpetually fresh and eternally innovative. The song and video for his latest I’m Waiting Here featuring the pie-voiced Lykke Li is bedridden with the opium of dream and the sensuous texture of ecstasy. 

The song comes from David’s forthcoming album release The Big Dream, due to hit the streets July 15th, 2013. Check this, if you pre-order you get an instant download of the I’m Waiting Here ft. Lykke Li track. Peace. Continue reading “david lynch // i’m waiting here + ft. lykke li + video”

Miike Snow // Black Tin Box (Ft. Lykke Li)

I’ve visited Miike Snow before. Well, at least their music. You know by now, or least understand my tastes (or maybe not) enough to know I cotton to bands that defy category. So, its no surprise that Christian Karlsson, Pontus Winnberg and Andrew Wyatt, bka Miike Snow, end up upon these vaulted pages once again. And once again I’m singing their praises. The song “Black Tin Box” is a lot of things, but mostly it’s much like a lullaby of sorts with dreamy atmospherics and if a little sinister, story-like quality. I imagine the original story of Little Red-Cap by Die Gebrüder Grimm with “Black Tin Box” playing woefully in the background. The bands latest LP Happy To You is revealing itself to be a curio shoppe of sound and influence, much like the distinct phases of the year. On display is the lovely austerity of  winter, the lush vibrancy of spring, and of course too you have the hectic galloping frenzy of summer, and lastly the cooled tempers of Autumn. All of this woven into, thus far songs for, if not every possible human facet, then a good fistful of them. An album to track the movement of your heart-sun across the horizon of beauteous sound tapestry, how novel and fortuitous for the listener. Peace. Continue reading “Miike Snow // Black Tin Box (Ft. Lykke Li)”