hunters // narcissist

With a proclivity for raucous post-punk bedlam the Brooklyn band Hunters brings the noise. The four-piece glistens with heavy handed resonances reeking of the best of 90s alternative alt rock albeit dirtier and hollower of cheeky-er. Both Izzy Almeida and Derek Watson not only cut svelte figures vocally speaking, they’ve also managed to capture an era and strip it bare of pretense, as well as elevate a genre. The band will release their debut self-titled LP October 1st. Get ready because here they come. Peace. Continue reading “hunters // narcissist”

Sleigh Bells // Comeback Kid // Born To Lose (Video)

Aside from the obvious cool points scored by Derek sporting a Nirvana tee and the always vivacious Alexis jumping up and down on a bed with Cherubs in the background casting knowing looks, then there is the matter of the rifle. I scratch my chin wondering if there is a Freudian reference running amok. Nevermind, everything in its right place. Let’s talk about the latest single “Comeback Kid” and all the brouhaha it’s causing. Well, there isn’t much to say except Alexis isn’t taking any shit from any would-be beau. ‘Nuff said. Peace. Continue reading “Sleigh Bells // Comeback Kid // Born To Lose (Video)”