the internet | dont’cha


the internet | dont’cha

The Internet (Syd the Kid and Matt Martians) drops their bass heavy lead single Dont’cha, in video form and offer us a fairly nondescript black and white visual directed by Lacey Duke. The Internet is one of two OFWGKTA acts, the other being Frank Ocean, with a more sedate and adroitly R&B vibe. Their sophomore album Feel Good, produced by Melissa Llewellyn, dropped atomically September 24th courtesy of Odd Future Records. Peace. Continue reading “the internet | dont’cha”

Odd Future // The Odd Future Tape

You know the deal with OFWGKTA? If you do then you’re ahead of the game because I’m lost. For real though the resident mad men (and one mad woman in Syd tha Kid) of Odd Future are doing it again and just behind the release by Hodgy Beats we now get The Odd Future Tape to drape our nights with insane to the membrane delights. And believe me, it’s not a disappointment. Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All forever! You can download the entire mixtape here: OFWGKTA FREE DOWNLOAD. Peace. Continue reading “Odd Future // The Odd Future Tape”

The Internet – They Say (Ft. Tay Walker)

You know those little labels of warning the pharmacist puts on those medicine bottles? Well, Purple Naked Ladies The Internet‘s debut LP should come with a few. Particularly for the song “They Say” Ft. Tay Walker. As a matter of fact let me just send the Surgeon General a letter right now. But seriously, Purple Naked Ladies (I love typing that) is a debut to be proud of. So, I take my pork pie hat off to Syd the Kyd (Sydney Bennett) and Matt Martians (Matthew Martin) for shuffling the deck of the OFWGKTA Tarot cards and dealing such a splendid first hand. Although it is not the blowout album I was expecting, there is still good stuff to be had. The anchor of the album is obvious, the delirious and frenetic “Cocaine.” But, the centerpiece is the big soft plush-toy carnival prize, “They Say.” This song has gently swaying hips, radiant skin, a small sexy mole right beneath the collarbone, and piercing almond-shaped eyes. I digress. (Clearing throat) In future projects I’d love to see The Internet get a bit more unhinged and push the envelope. Syd the Kid, your voice has the sex appeal, now make it more burlesque. Take me to the alternate realm I know ya’ll dreaming about in bong-burping technicolor. Peace. Continue reading “The Internet – They Say (Ft. Tay Walker)”

Domo Genesis – Let’s Smoke

Domo Genesis

Domo Genesis is making his way out of obscurity and into the light of day. No longer is he content being the chill spliff smoking homeboy of  the rap ensemble Odd Future. Yeah, you know the crew which consists of  Tyler the Creator and Earl the Sweatshirt. Some fans and critics pass DG off as the lesser talent of the collective aggregate known as Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All, often abbreviated OFWGKTA. I know, quite a  mouthful huh? However, with his second mixtape release since last year’s Rolling Papers, Under the Influence is nothing short of 35 sweet-minutes of the 20-year-old rapper showcasing his skill-set for dope rhymes. No matter what others say Domo Genesis can hold his own against his more recognizable peers. And really, is there anything wrong with a little recreational ganja? I think not. So, for all those who indulge from time to time this one is for you and Jerome Simpson.  Crank it up and alllow “Let’s Smoke” to fill your head-space and have a Happy Monday. Peace.