Sudden Weather Change – The Whaler

I love, among other things, guitar bands. While that may translate into something else to other folk, it basically means to me bands who employ lots of guitar work in their music. Simple enough, no? The Icelandic band Sudden Weather Change makes the cut when it comes to rockin’ the fuck out. To my ears their music is one part Sonic Youth and some ratio of The Pixies. Hey, that’s just what I think. That said, check out their song “The Whaler”. This 7″ EP was released June 19th of 2010 by Kimi Records. This album has two songs, “The Thinliner” and “The Whaler”. Let me know if this kicks butt or not. Also, check ’em out on Facebook for additional tracks. Peace. Continue reading “Sudden Weather Change – The Whaler”