raury | ❤ ☮ indigo child project streaming tonight @ midnight ❤ ☮

Georgia native son Raury has been a veritable buzz fest for a while now. And if you’re already wonderfully tainted by this southern anti-gentleman’s mad music making skill set then you already know. Take his habit forming Cigarette Song or the track Bloom or the radiant sheen that is Sunshine.

While you’re at it take a snort from the inspiring and euphoria inducing ode God’s Whisper. After listening you’ll arrive at the same conclusion. Raury is kind of a big deal. However, his true gift isn’t sharing his energy but in inspiring others to be the change they want to see in the world. Sounds like a pretty good game plan to me. Peace. Continue reading “raury | ❤ ☮ indigo child project streaming tonight @ midnight ❤ ☮”