The Morning Clouds – A Walk Home (Video)

Listening to The Morning Clouds is always delightful. However, watching their latest video for the song “A Walk Home” is tough. But maybe that’s the point. Throughout the entire video we are served a lukewarm heaping helping of starched work-a-day glibness. It’s uncomfortable to watch, mostly because it turns a magnifying glass in on the lives we live and how we chose to lead them. The video begs the question: Do we want a life of cookie-cutter mediocrity or do we search for something of real substance?  But alas, we’re all passengers, or even more depressing, participants in the rat race in one way or another. The Morning Clouds dropped their latest LP on October 11th, so it’s available now. I fear though, if I watch the video again I many just get myself a “life coach”, Peace.

The Morning Clouds – A Walk Home from Richard Karpala on Vimeo.