deleted scenes | throwback thursday

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Deleted Scenes was a band but they called it quits just about a year ago and I miss them.
If you ever drank from the cups of sorrow and woe well into the night then these are the songs that’ll keep you sane. These are songs fit for raging and swinging your fists into the guilty seconds, minutes and hours. But these are also the songs that’ll becalm your white water pulse and allow you, to if not see reason, then to at least see your way through the night. I say check ’em out and get some Deleted Scenes into your life loving ears. You’ll be better off for it. Peace.


To date my favorite DS song has Daniel Scheuerman doing his damnest to break a heart over the head of the moon and open up your chest cavity and massage your heart…

Band: Deleted Scenes
Album: Their Entire Discography

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