We Were Promised Jetpacks – In The Pit Of The Stomach

Since their debut album These Four Walls hit in 2009 I have been a fan of We Were Promised Jetpacks. The alternative pop/post-punk-rock quartet from Edinburgh, Scotland are in my opinion underrated. Listen to the tracks“Medicine” and “Act On Impulse” from their new LP In The Pit Of The Stomach, out now. The rest of the album moves along at a heady jaunt displaying all the reasons why they are soon to become one of your most favorite under appreciated bands. Without a doubt this LP is a more polished affair than their debut release. However, polished production doesn’t always equal better music, right? WWPJ works for me because Adam Thompson lets the listener inside. This isn’t contrived bullshit masquerading as something genuine and authentic. We Were Promised Jetpacks are four regular guys, and yes, they make excellent music about the mundane emotions everyday people deal with, i.e. heartbreak, rejection, and sadness, sound familiar? But in addition, their music bristles with hope-fucking-eternal. It’s music that connects. So, is not ironic that the album is titled In The Pit Of The Stomach, ’cause that’s where it hits you. Check it. Peace.

blacknbloom // music for the modern monkey

A whole different level of different but good.

Nothing wrong with keeping it simple and straight to the point. This is what you get when you listen to BlacknBloom. Yeah, they got drum machines, synths and a gaggle of other electric instrumentation. Yet, the music of Lori Steele and Alberto Beka manages to sound uncomplicated and simplistic. I love this modern duo from Los Angeles, because in a town known for its fake plastic personalities these two come across as anti-posers. And then there is Ms. Steele’s sing-song-rap-talkish vocals, which rings of above average elocution and rains on my eardrums like airy-hushiness personified. You can stream the debut LP Music for the Modern Monkey below. I really like the tracks “Slip Away” and “Hollywood Blvd. Remix” Check ’em out. Peace.

Yuck – Soothe Me & Get Away

The month of October brings many thing: falling temperatures, leaves vacating tress, Halloween, and this year the double-disc release of Yuck‘s self-titled debut. The single “Soothe Me” is the 2nd single release thus far, you many have already heard “Cousin Corona”, but if you haven’t go to their label’s site at Fat Possum Records and check it out. The album drops October 11th, so make sure to mark it on your calendar. Listen below, I’m out. Peace.

Yuck - Get Away from Yuck on Vimeo.

Lip Color EP

Lip Color

Although this Lip Color EP has been out since June it hasn’t lost its new car smell. With its drowsy half-lidded electro-Pop sound it is hard not to take notice. I was already in love with the fair city of San Diego, but now that love has just gotten a little bit deeper. I going to ask for San Diego’s hand in marriage and Lip Color will be our love child.

The Hush Now – Memos

The Hush Now - Memos

Aren’t you a great person? I think so, and since you’ve been so awesome as of late you should reward yourself with something nice. Boston indie-pop quintet The Hush Now have a new album dropping September 27th and I think it would make the perfect gift for someone like you. First, give it a listen below, just to see if it’s a good fit. This album is unique in that it is a one size fits all sort of LP. How clever of them, right? I meant to post this review this past weekend but because I have a selfish side I hoarded it. But after a bit of soul searching I thought better of it, and so here it is. Finally.  Check out Memos and I think the both of you will get along just fine. Peace.

P.S. I love the opera bit towards the ending of the song “Hoping & Waiting”, how cool is that?

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Hysterical

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

Spending time with the new LP from Clap Your Hands Say Yeah is like spending time with someone comfortable and familiar. Listening to their album Hysterical is a journey, from the hyper-sugar high that is “Maniac”, to the more sedate and soulful fare of “Misspent Youth”.  Regardless, this is a very tactile album, definitely something you can sink you ears into for many moons to come. No waiting for this one because its already out. Peace.

Maniac from CYHSY on Vimeo.

still corners // cuckoo

For some reason I have always been drawn to the melodramatic in music. You know, the dark brooding kind with the kohl eyes and pallid countenance.  Even now, after an odd evening spent with the Joy Division I somehow always feel better.  So far with only “Cuckoo” and “Endless Summer” as evidence I can already see myself knee-deep in lead singer Tess Murray’s velvet-lined voice, drawing strength from an unorthodox, albeit mundane locus.  Still Corners debut full-length LP Creatures Of An Hour drops October  11th. Check out both songs below and let Still Corners turn that smile upside down .Peace. Continue reading “still corners // cuckoo”