the smallest creature | million | reboot

the smallest creature  |  million  |  reboot

the smallest creature | million | reboot

the smallest creature sends their debut album million out into the world and from the sound of it everything sounds just fine. give this one a test drive and be rewarded endlessly via constant listening. this Nicosia, Cyprus band has created a sound which manages to both be refreshingly inventive and musically referential, paying homage sonically to bands akin to early radiohead, smashing pumpkins and silversun pickups, just to name a few. the band’s debut single Reboot is some kind of wonderful too. the track opens with somber guitar then ripples out spatially onto the receptive shore of your infinite heart. good stuff. after the jump stream the album in its entirety via the bandcamp player. let me know how you like this band. peace.

band: the smallest creature
album: million
featured track: roboot

the smallest creature, million, tracklisting
01. high low you
02. enchanting
03. reboot
04. copahagen
05. vanity vote
06. stay in bed all day
07. moreon
08. coward’s wish
09. angel
10. spring
11. sleep baby

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