florian lunaire | a year’s worth of song | dramamine | video


florian lunaire | dramamine | video

His official press release, reads as such, “The most striking thing about Florian Lunaire, is how difficult it is to place him.” But for me, it’s easy: place him on your heart and pull the soft woolen afghan of his songs up close.

You will listen to these songs and you’ll notice a stark simplicity. As if perhaps the songs started off adorned with all manner of gaudy accouterments, but in the end everything unnecessary was shorn away. Leaving only raw glistening bones drying in the sun of our collective audience. I would like to imagine, things like the need to categorize songs is a dying practice. Wishful thinking for certain, but still I dream. Perhaps, that is the bane of the majority of the music industry: its constant pursuit to market and label the commodity of song. I’ll use a universal signifier here, by simply saying Florian Lunaire writes beautiful music and it is “good.” By proclaiming something is good cuts through all the bullshit. No need for further explanation, or having to defend your musical taste. Because already, by hearing or reading that something is good, sets the stage of positive expectation.  So, if you’re a fairly well-adjusted bloke or lass, then I suspect you’ll like the music on review. If you’re a lover of life, and not a warmonger or tyrant, then you’ll have heart enough to let your guard down and let the music in; and listen to the melody of this young singer-songwriter’s raging heart. Peace.
P.S. Please tell Eleanor her drawing is just too perfect, and she mustn’t keep such beauty closeted away from us all.
Artist: Florian Lunaire

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